FIGURE 3. Occlusal view of lower first molars (m1) representing the different morphotypes observed in the Fiene Arvicolini sample. Left m1s (VP-15648, -15644, -15711) exhibiting morphotypes A-C respectively of Microtus sp. (1, 2, 3). Right m1 (VP-15636), left m1 (VP-15674), and right m1 (VP-15634) exhibiting morphotypes A-C respectively of Microtus paroperarius (4-6). Left m1 (VP-13797) of Microtus llanensis (7). Right m1s (VP-15692 and -15750) of Microtus meadensis (8 and 9). Note the presence of 'secondary wings' on VP-15750. Left m1 (VP-15712) of Allophaiomys (10).